world environmental day 2021

Thursday 3rd June 2021

Thursday 3rd June 2021

are we doing enough for the environment?

Why the environment is important to us and how you can help.

Whilst daily walks have become part of our everyday lives, it is no surprise that the environment and beautiful nature surrounding us are important to our ecosystem. This year World Environmental Day is on Saturday 3rd June and the purpose of it is to create a positive change in the world through the way we live, what we consume and how businesses can do their part in helping the movement.


This year the theme for World Environmental Day is Ecosystem Restoration which means developing better interactions between plants, humans, and animals. The lockdown made it more apparent the connection between our health and the environment as documentaries and articles began loading our feeds throughout the pandemic. In an article by Dr. Peter Daszak, President of the Ecohealth Alliance, he says “the health of people is intimately connected to the health of wildlife, the health of livestock and the health of the environment. It’s actually all one health.” It is evident that we all need to make important changes or get involved with the environment much more by understanding what trees, animals and plants do for us as well as what we are doing for them. According to The State of the World’s Forest 2020, ‘the net loss of forest area decreased from 7.8 million hectares per year in the 1990s to 4.7 million hectares per year during 2010–2020,’ which is slowly declining further if no action is taken.

ways you can help

  1. Educate yourself by experiencing the outdoors. If you are not sure where to begin, take a look at our Hiking Days Out to give you a head start and see which activities are going on near you!

  2. Take action by switching to and buying biodegradable and sustainable products.

  3. Volunteer by joining your local clean-up and meet other people who care for the environment.

  4. Shop better by reducing plastic and using a reusable shopping bag.

  5. Plant a tree and name it after you! Trees are our main source of oxygen and help to purify the air tackling climate change so by planting a tree, you’re creating a huge change to the environment.

  6. Walk or cycle more to reduce your carbon footprint.

  7. Create more of a conversation about restoring our ecosystem.

our social media campaign

We want to know how you are contributing to the environment! We will be posting on Saturday 3rd June and would love to hear your comments and see your pictures of what you are doing to help create a better world through small or big acts.

Follow us: @noboundaries_uk

we are doing our part

We care about the environment because as an outdoor sports company, our goal is to get as many people as we can outside! What makes our activities come to life are the beautiful surroundings in which we plan them in the UK and abroad and this, in turn, gives our members a better experience overall for all our adventures.

As No Boundaries are part of World Adventure Group, we are proud to have joined a Carbon Offsetting Scheme where we intend to manage our carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner environment. Start making a positive change today for a better future tomorrow.



the gift that keeps on giving